Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today my mom would be 85 years old if she were still alive. I hope she is having a big party in Heaven with HER mom and sister. Her birthday for our family marked the beginning of a usually hot and muggy summer in Rochester when we lugged mattresses downstairs to sleep on and set up a long folding table in the garage to eat dinners on. We found lots to do in the neighborhood just hanging out with our friends and when it got TOO hot we would find someone's cool basement where we retreated to play cards or Monopoly with the portable transistor radio playing what are today's "oldies".
We disappeared in the afternoons or Mom would remember her early 1950s fear of polio and insist we come in for a nap. Though taking a library book to a quiet place in the afternoon was not all that bad! Then we would "clean up" for dinner served as Dad came through the door from work. Always a yummy dinner that Mom had constructed while we were out of her hair. After dinner a walk to Carvel proved a suitable dessert. Even today I love to duplicate that wonderful summertime schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lor,
    Very nice tribute to Mom. I forgot about the table being set up in the garage for meals during the summer. I made a copy and took it to Dad this morning. He really appreciated it.
