Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Field trip with Will

We are spending some time with Will in Arlington this week and since he is a city boy and loves riding the metro we went for a ride to Courthouse Square today...all of 4 stops!  There we met Daddy for lunch, played in a water activity and ate at Five Guys.
All of this really tired him out and he was happy to get home for his nap!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Kylie, Keelyn and Ella with their mom and bulldog Khloe are visiting this week.  Today between showers of welcome rain we beached it and played miniature golf. Ella had a free pass b/c she hit a hole in one last year, coupon sitting in the drawer all this time.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Putting up peaches......part 2

Started peeling peaches early this morning and 4 hours later we have peaches ready to put on the pantry shelf for the winter.
I photographed part of the process:  cooking the peaches in the sugar syrup, ladling into the sterilized jars, and the finished product!  Also prepared some of the peaches for peach crisp and pies, and saved the juice for smoothies....yum!

Putting up peaches......part 1

It all begins with the peach....... Lisbeth, Jim and I went peach picking on Kent Island yesterday and brought home a load of sweet, juicy peaches.  If the girls had been with us they would have taken peaches home in their tummies.  In their honor we ate homemade peach ice cream before we started picking.  We have 25 pounds of peaches to can my grandmother's canner.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Junior lifeguards

Layne and Eva are staying with us this week while they attend a junior lifeguard program on the beach.  They have attended before and wanted to do it again this year.  We swim in our pool in the mornings and in the afternoon we sit on the beach and watch them learn the basics out in the ocean.  Maybe in a few years they will return to our beach as life guards!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

All about Jack

This weekend found us in the cove, visiting grandson Jack and his family.
We brought him a new JEDI shirt which he is posing in.
Then he discovered how to use my camera and you see his self-portrait and picture of me holding one of his latest drawings.
Dad wasn't so happy with the next picture, afraid he would break the stair railings, but Jack was proud of his balancing abilities.
Lastly, you see Jack piloting the sail boat.  He is learning fast!