Friday, January 10, 2014

A day at Longwood Gardens

On the very coldest and windiest day of the winter, we travelled with the camera club to Longwood Gardens, home of the late Pierre S. duPont and his marvelous landscaped gardens and fountains.  In the Christmas season the outdoors display a beautiful light show after dark.  Unfortunately, because of the single-digit temps and icy winds, the light show did not happen, nor were the fountains turned on, and we returned home nonetheless happy for all we had seen and photographed.

Some of these pictures are mine and some are Jim's.  This one is mine.  I was taken by the beautiful color of these poinsettias.  All the flowers were taken in the Conservatory, three acres of beautiful displays of flowers.

In the orchid room

A chandelier in the ballroom….one of many.  Also in this giant room was one of the largest pipe organs 
in the world with over 10,000 pipes.

An inside fountain

One of many decorated Christmas trees.  This one is reflected in the  mirror behind it.

In the gray and white room


Bird of paradise

Apple tapestry floating in a pond…..made of Granny Smith and red apples.

In the tea room set up for morning tea

More orchids…..what color!

One of the men working in the Conservatory turned us on to one of his hobbies….taking pictures of frost on the inside of the windows.  Many beautiful designs.

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