Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 review

2013 began with a race, Jim running and Lorie walking it.  The day was gray and chilly but the sun came out for the New Year's Day polar bear plunge….brrrr!

Breakfast at Mangos after the race is the incentive!

How can Lisbeth be turning 40???  We partied at the beach, then Bobby surprised her with a big party.

Always looking for early signs of Spring.  Found a garden full of snow drops.

Our Florida get away was to Panama City Beach where the sand really was white and the water turquoise.  We stopped in Hilton Head (cold and windy) on the way and to the Schmitts (fun time with Wayne's trains) on the way home.

Spring here at the beach means bright and beautiful blooms.
Tulip Days in Lewes.

We met with all of the Hartsig siblings in Michigan to celebrate Dave and JoAnn's 50th wedding anniversary in June.  We then went on to the Upper Peninsula with the Taylors and the Dietrichs.

The entire family camped along the Shenandoah River in late July.  The weather was perfect for swimming, kayaking, fishing and eating.

What fun we had in NYC with Eva and Keelyn!  WICKED, shopping and eating out highlighted the trip.

Good bye to summer on Labor Day weekend.

Some rough weather in October when a nor'easter stalled over us for four days, taking away some of the replenished sand.

Layne runs along a dune in Jockeys Ridge during our family week in Duck, North Carolina for Thanksgiving.

Our resident snowy owl who arrived in December from the Arctic Tundra and gives us many photo opportunities.

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