Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 1 Rhode Island

Finally found some color today, driving through a state park.

 The stone fence encircles the entire perimeter of the park.

Then on to our boat tour of Newport Harbor, looking at light houses, mansions and yachts.
This is Plum Beach Light, built in 1899 and featured on RI license tags.

Castle Hill Light, a working light house run on solar power.

Mansions and yachts

Look at the size of these masts!

Rose Island longer working, but you can spend a night here either in the light house or in the small red building.

Unfortunately, Jim did not photograph Lime Rock Lighthouse which has a unique history: when her father became ill in 1857, 15 year old  Ida Lewis assumed the job of light house keeper, a duty she kept until 1911.  In 1924 the tiny island was renamed Ida Lewis Rock.

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