Saturday, October 23, 2010

Busy weekend

Grandparents' Day yesterday was delightful.  Both Ella and Keelyn recited for us.  Keelyn had memorized the scene from Macbeth where the three old women are stirring their boiling cauldron....."Double, double toil and trouble, Fire burn and cauldron bubble!"  Ella portrayed the sun in a solar system sketch.  She wore a yellow shirt and designed the sun to wear.
We watched Keelyn play field hockey this morning while Kylie tried out for a lacrosse goalie position.  Busy girls!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day at the Newseum

Today found us in DC at the Newseum, a wonderful museum dedicated to the news, its content, reporting and most importantly for us, its photographs.  My favorite exhibit was the Pulitzer prize winning photographs of the past few decades.  Also enlightening was reading today's front pages from many of the nation's top newspapers.  A great day!
(The pictures of each of us on top of the building on the 6th floor are overlooking Pennsylvania Avenue.)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Birthday bash weekend

This past weekend found us traveling to Calvert Cty to enjoy time with Dave, Ann Marie, Layne, Eva and Jack.  We watched both Eva and Jack play soccer, ate lots of yummy stuff, including my birthday apple pie that AM bakes for me, went antiquing (the girls) and to Cypress Swamp Nature Center (the boys), and to cap it all off, gathered with EVERYone else at Homestead Gardens to buy pumpkins, ride ponies, and follow a maze.  Then off to Mike's to eat and enjoy birthday cakes!!!

Today we are enjoying time with Will, Jenni and Larry and locating another cemetery for Jim to photograph for a camera club project. What fun!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Getting ready for Halloween

The skeleton is on the bench, cob webs in the trees, and the cemetery grave stones are lighted .......think we are ready for Halloween!   BOO!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Yosemite Day 3

What a busy day!  We were up very early to grab breakfast in a little deli in front of a roaring fire (cold out this morning), then on to our photo tour which was fun and very informative (photo 1). We rode a while to the Mariposa Grove of giant Sequoia trees and had  a tram ride through trees which were 270 feet tall and thousands of years old (photo 2).  Trying to catch Half Dome at sunset, Dad took amazing pictures of it as the clouds and fog rolled in (photo 3).  What a day!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yosemite Day 2

  We are standing in front of Yosemite Falls on a very cool Fall morning.  Temps stayed in the 50s today and drizzle and clouds at sunset kept us away from those pictures.  Hopefully tomorrow.  Saw lots of different views of El Capitan it is while sun was still shining.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pie and Alcatraz

On one of  our outings yesterday Chuck
bought olallieberry pie, only sold in the area as this is where the berries grow.
Today we took a ferry out to Alcatraz, then spent the afternoon exploring the island and the penitentiary.   Interesting and a little creepy.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

More San Francisco

Another beautiful and busy day.  We visited Purisima Creek Redwoods this morning and hiked a bit amid the cool, dripping trees.  Later we ate lunch at a biker restaurant, ALICE'S RESTAURANT.
A trip to the Pacific Ocean capped off the day.  As you can see, it is lots more wild than Bethany Beach's Atlantic Ocean!

Our time in San Francisco has been marked by good weather, a reunion with old friends and trips to places we have wanted to see.
We have been to the Golden Gate Bridge, wineries and vineyards and today we trooped through the city and saw cable cars and Chinatown.
Tomorrow we shall be looking for redwoods and the Pacific Ocean.