Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cool museum on a hot day

The heat continues so today we found an indoor place to explore while staying cool.  The Ward Museum is in Salisbury and is devoted to the art of making water fowl decoys.  What began as a way to lure birds to the hunter, has become one of creative genius.  The decoys look so real it is hard to believe they are made of wood.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wedding weekend in Massachusetts

"Oh, the places you'll go", indeed!  We all traveled to western Massachusetts for our nephew/cousin Matt's wedding to the lovely Lindsay.  Here are Jack and Ella at a local museum honoring Dr. Seuss.

Later we attended the wedding, held at a marina under a tent, a good thing as just after the vows were pronounced, along came a thunder storm!

What a WONDERFUL cake.....ALL chocolate!

Who knew we had a bunch of dancing fools for grand kids????!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

First harvest

Cherry tomatoes are ready for picking and green peppers will be soon.  Our first attempt at a beach veggie garden is going well.  Despite this being a very dry summer and the need to water frequently a constant, it is good to feel productive and organic (no chemicals allowed!).  And, oh yeah, those tomatoes are good!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One with the ocean

Layne is spending the week with us while she attends Clear Space drama camp.  After camp she spends time in the ocean....such joy she feels as she becomes one with the waves!

...more 4th

A very down-home 5th of July parade...even Santa in shorts and shades took up the rear float!

Fireworks on the beach were at an all time best!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th!

And the weekend of the 4th continues with a parade and blueberry pie eating contest today.  Fireworks on the beach last night were amazing!  Temps going up again....beach and pool calling.......